Case Study: Paid Call User Flow UX UI design - Pay phone Mobile App (2021)

My role:
lead UX UI designer

The app is ....
The main target group are creators
With the innovative concept such as an app where users can pay for video talks the main problem was to avoid prank calls by fans.
The product decision was to implement a video preview of the caller to avoid nude videos.


USer research:
During user research session, we asked target audience, would you mind getting previewed, and influencers, would it be ok to preview the caller fist.

First plans:

As prank calls (nude videos) are anticpated to be very rare (less than 5%) it should not bother the creator every time the creator have a paid call.
At the same time, we were aware that even if one out of 20 (5%) calls are prank that can create a bad user experience that might encourage churn.

We tested various prortoypes and soluton with users. For example, some protoypes include the next button to be clicked while preview, but that create several problems. Fan could be previed for a long time etc..

Final solution:
The end result is my UX UI design solution where the creator gets to see 5 second preview of the caller. After five seconds the call starts automatically.
The caller also gets a notice that he is gettting previewd.
Five second preview should not be

The end result is a
We tested the prototype with various target audience and that went really well.
Of course, the real results are anticipated to be with real app.
Then, based on user recordings, I would propose additional refinement of this concept.